Posted on: Monday, February 12, 2007
Posted at: 7:08 AM
yesterday's service was great! even though it was a video. haha. i mean, its the most relevant thing to me. haha. i had been having weird dreams, sometimes nightmares that aren't really nice. even though i dun show it, but i also had been very paranoid inside, always thinking that something bad would happen. feeling super insecure, super unprotected. no faith even though i have been praying and trying so hard to have. this has been driving me crazy for days.
BUT God let me know yesterday that i am so protected! outside, inside, on all sides! AMEN! now i feel so safe, so secure, so protected! I AM MARKED OUT BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS! THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS POWERFUL, IS GOD'S BLOOD! AMEN!