Posted on: Friday, March 28, 2008
Posted at: 5:47 AM
Read something today in my devotional that reminded me of something...
Total surrender is a sovereign personal preference for Jesus..Not for myself nor my own holiness, rather these are the results of my personal preference for Jesus... im working on it, or rather, God is!
Tml got meeting with Ivan again, the practical steps! yay i am excited! =)
Posted on: Thursday, March 20, 2008
Posted at: 8:53 AM
I will never forget this day, the 20th of March 2008, right there right then in my own small room God flooded my heart with His presence...
I was just doing my usual quiet time but there was something different... i think because this time i really asked Him to fill this place with His strong tangible presence and well He did!
Although God didn't say anything, or maybe rather i didn't hear anything from Him, I can just feel His presence... oh yes i did wonder whether its my own imagination or maybe its just me getting emotional again in my usual... BUT then, i would not feel so strongly in my heart or rather in my spirit if there wasn't anyone or anything responding to me... THAT was THE MOMENT...
I dont exactly know what God is planning or what is He currently working on in my life... all i know is that i see a trend... He has been revealing to me a different perspective of Himself, through movies, books, church... and they all point to the same thing... i dont really understand but its has really done lots of good...
oh well, my dad wants the com back.. shall stop here for now.. tml's good friday! HOGC having its first ever easter bonanza! KTV, FOOD, SPORTS, ETC ETC... so do come~ like wow, the ministries will have loads to do manx!
Posted on: Sunday, March 16, 2008
Posted at: 3:36 AM
Everyone seems to be going crazy over THAT tune...LOL... and the actions that accompany it is...hilarious.. haha
i seriously need to study... i must bring myself to do it! feel like slacking every one two hours, (which i am currently doing now with Antony and Cleopatra on my lap reminding me of what i have not acheived)... but can one!
i cant wait for block test to be over, then i can read the book fe lent me! (hey fe, i mentioned your name agaiN!) its temptation manx!
Posted on: Friday, March 14, 2008
Posted at: 8:00 AM
Chalet was really great! it took me off studying for awhile... hahas... though i brought my notebook, i studied only like two pages? lol...
and PASSION PARTY was awesome! well, not really a party but watching Passion of the Christ at like 2am with so many pple in one room was.. ok i dont know how to describe.. it was just so different from the first time i watched it.. (i watched it with my family the first time) lol...not only the people, but it just really impacted me more like another revelation of who Jesus Christ is. i dont really know how to explain it but i know my perspective of Jesus changed. The movie portrayed Him to be so humane... the details, the scenes... it was just so humane it tugged at my heart.. and there was irony..
anyway, i too lazy to describe what we did in the chalet, actually, its not so much of what we did, its more of who we were with... you can do exciting things and feel lonely and you can dont do anything yet feel so satisfied... its just the people manx... and i made a new friend! fe's friend from cedar! haha.. probably will be the new recruit to the skinny club.. lol.. and we had a romantic sleep with all of us squeezed into our tiny chalet room with clouds and stars above..the stars were green... lol...romantic right? that's what technology can do..
im enjoying my holidays! supposed to be studying but its good to break away awhile, and anyway, i know that my future is secure!
Posted on: Monday, March 03, 2008
Posted at: 6:55 AM
i think its really an awesome thing to be able to talk to God anytime at anywhere... the whole journey to school today i was just praying and randomly talking to God about random stuff and it was really great! Felt more refreshed and secure! haha... shall try to keep this up!
i think i have been too preoccupied with school... i need to get connected again to the church! i miss that flow and i am so gonna get it back! =) End times bible study is super super powerfuL! i was gripping my notebook and pen with such excitement during the sessions! Not only powerful, i dont know why but i just feel that its so Beautiful as well! i can't explain it but end times, amidst all the tribulation and blackout, God's love is still so super evident and His majesty, oh wow, i can't even describe nor ever fully comprehend while on earth. i can't wait for the next two sessions!
and i am currently reading regularly the leaders' blogs... ivan, samantha, nadine, fe... its amazing... never fail spur me on to grow and grow and grow and expand and expand and expand! i heart my leaders!