Posted on: Monday, December 29, 2008
Posted at: 8:52 PM
I went to watch Australia yesterday! Yep, it was really good in my opinion... I like long movies but not draggy movies. Anw... I love movies that are set in the past. Especially those that brings us closer to the past through a story. ( i mean like duh which movie wont tell a story but i just cant put it in words how im feeling now) I still remember when Mrs Tan asked me and serena, 'dont you know who are the aborigines?' I was like huh? whats that? but now i think there's a deeper understanding and I am gonna read up on it. Even the name sounds special...the 'stolen generation' sounds mysterious. I think war and romance go well together.
But i was really touched by Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman...i think they look really good together but its quite rare to see hugh jackman acting as a macho, funny yet sentimental person. After all, I used to only know him as wolverine. haha. But the little boy was so cute too! And hannah keeps harping on how Nicole Kidman looks so perfect while me and rachel kept reminding her about hugh jackman. well, typical. I should stop having movie hangovers. My mind will keep thinking and replaying the scenes. The last time i watched butterfly lovers, i was obssessed with butterflies. lol.
I guess I really prefer movies which do something to your heart, bringing you closer to experiences you'd never had before. I mean, chick flicks are good too, at appropriate times.
I think Hugh Jackman deserved his title of being the sexiest man alive... :)